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Rent: $1443/month
Buy: $60,900
- 2
- 1
- 14 x 48 Clayton - Buckeye
- Las Vegas, NV 89104
- Listed: 2 Months Ago
- Serial # BUC015158AZAC
Rent: $1459/month
Buy: $72,900
- 2
- 2
- 16 x 60 Clayton - Buckeye
- Las Vegas, NV 89121
- Listed: Last Week
- Serial # BUC014832AZ
Rent: $1459/month
Buy: $72,900
- 2
- 2
- 16 x 60 Clayton - Buckeye
- Las Vegas, NV 89121
- Listed: 2 Months Ago
- Serial # BUC014834AZ
Rent: $1459/month
Buy: $72,900
- 2
- 2
- 16 x 60 Clayton - Buckeye
- Las Vegas, NV 89121
- Listed: 2 Months Ago
- Serial # BUC014898AZAC
Rent: $1499/month
Buy: $105,900
- 2
- 1
- 16 x 52 Clayton Layla
- Las Vegas, NV 89121
- Listed: 3 Months Ago
- Serial # BUC015879AZAC
Rent: $1521/month
Buy: $70,900
- 2
- 2
- 16 x 56 Clayton - Buckeye
- Las Vegas, NV 89121
- Listed: 2 Months Ago
- Serial # BUC014835AZAC
Rent: $1550/month
Buy: $110,900
- 2
- 2
- 16 x 56 Clayton Still The One
- Las Vegas, NV 89121
- Listed: 3 Months Ago
- Serial # BUC015878AZAC
Rent: $1553/month
Buy: $72,900
- 2
- 2
- 16 x 60 Clayton - Buckeye
- Las Vegas, NV 89121
- Listed: 2 Months Ago
- Serial # BUC014901AZAC
Rent: $1595/month
Buy: $105,900
- 2
- 2
- 20 x 44 Clayton - Buckeye AZ XPS-20442E
- Las Vegas, NV 89121
- Listed: 1 Month Ago
- Serial # BUC010258AZA
Rent: $1599/month
Buy: $89,932
- 3
- 2
- 16 x 66 Clayton Homes Inc Tempo
- Las Vegas, NV 89103
- Listed: This Week
- Serial # BUC015469AZAC
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There are 68 Home(s) to view in Nevada