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Rent: $1399/month
Buy: $50,900
- 2
- 2
- 16 x 60 Clayton - Wakarusa
- Clinton Township, MI 48038
- Listed: 11 Months Ago
- Serial # WK2104558IN
Rent: $1430/month
Buy: $79,999
- 3
- 2
- 16 x 66 Clayton 96PLH16663NH23
- Lansing, MI 48911
- Listed: 11 Months Ago
- Serial # WK2106153IN
Rent: $1335/month
Buy: $69,999
- 2
- 2
- 16 x 60 Clayton 96PLH16602CH23
- Lansing, MI 48911
- Listed: 11 Months Ago
- Serial # WK2106231IN
Rent: $1699/month
Buy: $119,900
- 3
- 2
- 24 x 56 Clayton Middlebury My Girl 5624-32-1 Tempo Sect
- Canton, MI 48187
- Listed: 12+ Months Ago
- Serial # MDC384876INAB
Buy: $131,900
Rent to own: $1750.00/month
- 3
- 2
- 1,568 sq. ft. CHAMPION REDMAN
- Hartland, MI 48353
- Listed: 12+ Months Ago
Buy: $131,900
Rent to own: $1750/month
- 3
- 2
- 1,560 sq. ft. CHAMPION-REDMAN
- Hartland, MI 48353
- Listed: 12+ Months Ago
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There are 711 Home(s) to view in Michigan